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  • Generate AI Images on Your Phone

Generate AI Images on Your Phone

PLUS: Monetize Your Passion, Growth Story of GTA

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Hey curious mind,

This Saturday’s dose to become smarter in 5 minutes:

  • The AI Growth Tactic: Generate Cool AI Images

  • The Growth Insight: The 3 Paths to Monetizing Your Passion

  • What’s Up with Tech: AI Regulation, Crypto Citizenship

  • Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential

  • Growth Case Study: How GTA Became One of the Bestselling Games of All Time

The AI Growth Tactic 🖥️

Generate Cool AI Images on Your Phone

Spice up your texts and posts with crazy AI-generated images...without leaving your favorite apps! I'm gonna walk you through how to make it happen with a few easy steps.

  1. Download the Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard on your phone's app store. It works whether you're rockin' iOS or Android.

  2. Enable SwiftKey as your keyboard. Just head to your settings, poke around the keyboards section, and flip SwiftKey on.

  3. Head to whatever app you chat or post in - iMessage, Twitter, Insta, whatever. When you pull up the keyboard, you should see a little Bing logo. Give that a tap and you've got DALL-E!

    Start creating wild AI images without missing a beat.

On top of AI image generation with DALL-E, you'll also get to chat with Bing right from SwiftKey.

The All-in-One, AI-Powered LinkedIn Tool

With 900M+ users, LinkedIn is definitely home to your target audience. But leveraging it to generate business results isn't easy.

Taplio helps you grow and leverage your personal brand on LinkedIn to build an audience and attract more clients and opportunities.

Create high-performing LinkedIn posts, engage with your target audience, find leads and measure all your results. Taplio has you covered.

The Growth Insight 🌱

The 3 Paths to Monetizing Your Passion

Turning passion into profit isn't complicated. It's about figuring out how your interests and skills can help people. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say.

There are three main paths to earn from what you love doing: Provide, Teach or Entertain.

Let's explore each one...


Ask yourself: How could I use my abilities to create something that people need and would buy?

A good example is the Shopify founder. He loved coding software. When he noticed people needed help building online stores, he created a business around that.

If you're still learning, you could work for someone established who can train you further. Build up your skills first before going out on your own.


You can also generate income by teaching others what you know well.

Set up courses, mentorships, videos, blog content...anything educational. There are lots of ways to share your specialized knowledge and monetize it.

For example, a YouTuber named Ali Abdaal earns over 7 figures just posting videos on productivity and growth hacks. People are eager to learn what he teaches.


If teaching seems boring and you'd rather have fun, creating entertainment works too. Make interesting podcasts, streams, YouTube videos, memes - whatever captivates attention.

I heard of one podcaster named Bobbie who went from zero to having the #1 show in the world simply by interviewing celebrities and keeping things laid-back. She ignored experts and focused fully on laughs.

The bottom line - do what you enjoy, work hard at it, solve problems or captivate people, and you can absolutely monetize your passion.

What’s Up with Tech? 🌐

  • Jira AI: Atlassian releases AI features across across Jira range of products

  • AI Notes: Google’s AI-powered note-taking app is now available across the US.

  • AI Rules: The EU reached agreement on AI regulation.

  • Crypto Citizenship: El Salvador is coming up with a visa program offering citizenship to crypto investors.

Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential 🛠️

💰 Mezzi- Minimize your tax expenses effortlessly

📰 Brief- Get a custom AI-curated news digest

📄 MagicDocs- Streamline your document management with AI

💻 Postwise- Craft viral Tweets in seconds

Growth Case Study 📈 

How GTA Became One of the Bestselling Games of All Time

When the first Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game launched in 1997, it was met with a wave of controversy. Critics blasted its glorification of crime and violence.

The hook was allowing players to be a criminal. Carjacking, assassinations, stealing. By putting morality aside, GTA tapped into people's taboo desires.

This unique proposition established GTA’s infamy, but later installments incorporated elements that heightened gameplay addiction.

GTA III and Vice City introduced complex narratives and intricate missions. By GTA IV, the franchise adopted online multiplayer functions along with stunning visual fidelity powered by consoles.

GTA V took this immersive experience to stratospheric levels. The sprawling metropolis of Los Santos, modeled after Los Angeles, achieved unprecedented depth. No other game achieved this fluidity of movement and variety of activities.

Behind the scenes, Rockstar Games innovated with a singular focus—realism. They employed actual gang members for voice acting and motion capture.

The result of these gameplay and development accomplishments? Over $8 billion in lifetime revenue.

Rundown on Tactics Deployed by GTA Makers:

  • Allowed players to act out criminal fantasies with no real-world consequences

  • Exceeded industry norms for production budgets

  • Pioneered use of motion capture and Hollywood talent for voice acting

  • Partnered with tech companies to push hardware innovation

  • Implemented intricate world economics and NPC behavior modeling systems

  • Engaged in edgy, risk-taking campaigns that stoked public reaction

  • Fused gameplay innovation with storytelling usually reserved for non-interactive mediums

Now GTA fans eagerly await the next chapter. GTA VI is rumored to have the most expensive production budget ever, exceeding $2 billion.

If prior installments are any gauge, GTA VI will again raise the bar for realism and customizability, and will far exceed the lifetime sales figures of GTA V.

Meme Bytes 😂

Source: 9GAG

Stay with us for your weekly dose of tech innovation, wisdom, and growth.

Until next time!
