Turn Clutter into Clarity

PLUS: Graphic Designing with AI, Bitcoin's High Ride, The Story of Splunk

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Hey curious mind,

I’ve curated a value packed AI Toolkit to level up your AI game. Reply ‘Yes’ to this email and I’ll reply back to you with the same.

This saturday’s dose to become smarter in 5 minutes:

  • Productivity/Growth Insight: From Clutter to Clarity

  • Side Hustle Idea: Become a Pro Graphic Designer with AI

  • What’s Up with Future Tech: AI Truth Detector, Bitcoin’s High Ride

  • Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential

  • Growth Case Study: How this Student-Turned-Tycoon Scored a Multi-Billion $ Deal?

The Actionable Productivity / Growth Insight 🖥️

From Clutter to Clarity: Google’s AI-Powered Note-Taking Magic!

Google's cooked up this awesome note-taking AI app called NotebookLM.

Useful for students, pros, and everyone in between. Plus, it buddies up with your Google Docs. Talk about teamwork!

How to Jump In?

  • Unlock Access: Hop on over to this link and join the waitlist. Don't worry, they'll let you in pretty quick.

  • Add Your Docs: Hit "New source" and pick the docs you wanna toss in. NotebookLM then rolls up its sleeves and whips up a neat summary (or "Source Guide") for your files.

  • Ask Questions: Spot auto-questions in your Source Guide? Give 'em a go! Or, hey, throw in your own. I tried, "What are the biggies from this abstract?" and got a sweet bullet list.

  • Note it Down: Liked an answer? Slap it onto your notes for a peek whenever you want.

Give it a try and thank us later!

The AI team you didn’t know your company needed — until now

Hire world-class AI experts from Harvard, Stanford and MIT

Not sure how to implement the right AI strategy for your product? Hire AE Studio's world class team of software builders to craft and implement the optimal AI solution for your business.

Our development, data science and design studio work closely with founders and executives to create custom software, machine learning and BCI solutions.

From custom-built MVPs to bespoke AI/ML solutions, see how you can leverage AI to achieve your business objectives. 

Side Hustle Ideas💰

Become a Pro Graphic Designer with AI

Ever seen a logo and thought, "Wow, that's cool!"? Or scrolled past an ad because it just popped? Big shoutout to the heroes behind the scenes: graphic designers!

Got a knack for drawing? Spot tiny details others miss? Or maybe you're just good with some design apps? Well, guess what? The digital world is your playground. With everyone going online, businesses are hunting for artists like you to make them look snazzy.

High-impact designs for influencers > https://creativemarket.com/NordWood

Ideas you can work on:

🎨 Brand Builders: Whip up cool logos and colors that make businesses say, "That's so us!"

📊 Info-Masters: Got data? Turn those boring numbers into fun, easy-to-understand visuals.

📱 Social Media Stars: Make Insta, Pinterest, and FB feeds irresistible with your designs.

🖨 Old-School Print Pros: Jazz up flyers, cards, and more - yes, paper stuff still rocks!

📔 eBook Wizards: Got a boring doc? Transform it into a digital masterpiece folks will love reading.

I recommend the below tools for graphic designing:

  • Midjourney - Best for high quality image generation and editing

  • Jasper.ai - Images for marketing and/or content material

  • Uizard - UI/UX; Designing websites & apps

What’s Up with Future Tech? 🌐

Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential 🛠️

🧾 Airparser - Effective and efficient data extraction

🪄 Framer AI - Create a website in minutes

📝 Sheet AI - Put AI into Google Sheets

Growth Case Study 📈 

How this Student-Turned-Tycoon Scored a Multi-Billion Dollar Deal?

While a student at Drexel University, Michael Baum saw Steve Jobs come speak on campus. Apple was forming partnerships with schools, and every student got a Mac. Post the lecture, Michael switched his major from electrical engineering to computer science. His first venture was a company called Reality Online which was acquired by Reuters.

Michael's crowning achievement? Splunk.

What began as a data management platform evolved into a cybersecurity powerhouse. In just six years, Michael steered Splunk to a staggering $1.6 Bn valuation. But, he stepped away in 2009.

What's Splunk's Magic Trick? 

Splunk's primary insight was recognizing the value in turning machine-generated data into actionable insights. In the midst of an increasing digital age, Splunk's capability to gather, index, search, and analyze vast amounts of this data from applications, servers, and devices in real-time positioned it uniquely.

This allowed businesses to gain intelligence, security insights, and analytics, setting them apart from competitors and providing immense value.

This core capability, combined with their adaptability in evolving market demands (like shifting their focus to cybersecurity when the need arose), played a pivotal role in their growth

What Made Splunk Shine?

  1. Change-Up: Splunk isn't afraid of change. They saw a need for better online safety and jumped right in.

  2. Smart Buys: Splunk joined hands with other tech companies. This helped them launch more offerings and reach unexplored avenues.

  3. Tech Fair: Splunk has its own little tech mall called Splunkbase. People come, share, and pick up cool tools.

  4. Friendly Meetups: Splunk loves building friendships. They throw a yearly party, .conf, where techies come to chat and share.

  5. Any Wallet Fits: Splunk's prices are for everyone, big or small.

  6. Cool Ads: Ever seen a fun unicorn ad? That's Splunk making sure you remember them.

Splunk's Secrets?

  1. Go with the Flow: Things change. Being ready to switch paths when needed, like Splunk did.

  2. Friends Matter: Having a strong group of supporters helps any business grow and stay strong.

  3. Think Ahead: Joining with other companies can fuel inorganic growth.

  4. Be Memorable: Stand out with fun and unique ads so people don't forget you.

Meme Bytes 😂

Stay with us for your weekly dose of tech innovation, wisdom, and growth.

Until next time!
