OpenAI Unleashes Dall-E 3

PLUS: Is Mastercard Worth It, Copywriting with AI, Make Time

Hey curious mind!

This saturday’s dose to become smarter in 5 minutes:

  • OpenAI Unleashes Dall-E 3

  • Side Hustle: Copywriting with AI

  • Find Answers Across Gmail, Docs, Drive, and More

  • Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential

  • Is the Mastercard Stock Worth It?

  • Make Time

The Actionable AI Insight 🖥️

OpenAI Unleashes Dall-E 3

OpenAI just dropped a preview of DALL-E 3 this week and it's about to change the game when it comes to AI image generation. 👀 Buckle up!

Haven't heard of DALL-E in a hot sec? Well, you're in for a treat because this amped up version can pump out insane images on par with Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. Peep the wild examples and tell me your mind isn't blown! 💥

3 big takeaways you need to know:

  • 💬 DALL-E nails text in images when nothing else can. Hello awesome graphic design!

  • 💡No more prompt engineering technical learning required! Just simple descriptions is what this AI needs to work magic.

  • 🔀 DALL-E will integrate with ChatGPT for the ultimate creative combo.

Multimodal AI has arrived! This tool understands text AND images for next-level post, design, and content creation.

Google's still cooking up its "Gemini" multimodal AI, but OpenAI is basically screaming "TOO LATE SUCKAS!" with this DALL-E 3 sneak peek.

DALL-E 3 is about to change the creative game. Let's see what masterpieces we can cook up together! 🎨

Side Hustle Ideas 📈

Copywriting with AI💰

Those fancy websites, catchy ads, and product pages you scroll by every day? Well someone's getting some sweet payouts to string together those words. And it could be YOU! 😲

That's right - copywriting is your ticket to turning writing skills into side earnings. Companies will pay big time for your way with words to sell their stuff online.

If you can hype up a product and captivate eyeballs, you can make some nice proceeds as a copywriter.

Keep reading, and let's do this thing! 🙌

Some key niches to start with as a beginner...

Nail These Niches First 🎯

Master writing persuasive copy for any of these in-demand fields, and you’ll mint hefty paychecks in no time

  • 🛒 Killer product pages that convert readers to customers

  • 📝 Persuasive Amazon/Etsy/eBay product descriptions

  • 🎥 Engaging scripts for YouTubers and influencers

  • 👥 Ghostwrite social content for busy executives

Level Up Your Skills with Free Courses🆓

ChatGPT / Claude - Best AI Tools for Copywriters 🤖

You can consider using ChatGPT &/or Claude to:

  • 📝 Effortlessly generate copy using proven formulas

  • ⌨️ Produce blog posts and newsletters in minutes

  • 💡 Generate fresh, creative ideas anytime

  • ✏️ Proofread and polish your drafts into perfection

Some other AI tools that can be considered are Jasper & 

You can also use our curated 100+ Prompts as a starting point for different types of content!

What’s Up with Future Tech? 🌐



Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential 🛠️

Cardinal ⏱️:This savvy AI organizes tasks and timelines flawlessly so you can focus on the work.

Vendor 🤝: Your AI-powered sidekick helps you close deals faster.

Descript🎥: Edit professional videos and podcasts with precision in minutes with this powerhouse editing suite.

Super 🖥️: Craft a stunning website from your Notion database in no time.

Synthesia 🎞️: Craft videos without cameras, mics, etc. with this futuristic AI that generates realistic videos using your words.

MoonBeam✍️: The AI writing sidekick delivering engaging content without the grunt work.

Investment Avenue 💰

Mastercard Inc (NYSE: MA)

Alright, lets dive deep on Mastercard💳

Mastercard is one of the frontrunners when it comes to digital payments. These guys connect banks, merchants, and cardholders worldwide to process cards and more whenever you tap, insert or swipe.

They've been killing the game for years - raking in $18Bn in revenue in 2022 and consistently dominating the industry with insane network scale and brand recognition. Not too shabby! 📈

Let's dive into the bull and bear cases for Mastercard in 2023 and beyond:

Bull Case:

  • Digital payments are BOOMING globally and Mastercard is primed to ride the wave. We're talking next level growth as offline gets phased out. 💸

  • They've invested big time in cybersecurity and fraud prevention to build trust. Safety first! 🔒

  • Acquisitions and partnerships are expanding their capabilities in BNPL, crypto, etc. Future-proofing at its finest! ⏩

  • With networks in 210+ countries, their brand is universally recognized and trusted. Good luck replicating that! 🧳

Bear Case:

  • Rising interest could slow consumer spending and card use, directly hitting Mastercard's bottom line. Uh oh. 📉

  • Plenty of up-and-coming fintechs are trying to eat their lunch in payments. The competition is coming! 🏃🏽‍♂️

  • Novel technologies like Blockchain and UPI (Unified Payments Interface) pose a long-term threat to traditional card payments. If crypto and real-time transfers reach mainstream adoption, Mastercard could see its dominance decline. 🪙

So what's the verdict?

Well in my humble opinion, while risks remain, the bull case seems strong for Mastercard thriving for years to come. But don't just take my word for it! Do your own research before investing.

Disclaimer: The above content is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute professional financial guidance.

The Key Productivity / Growth Insight 💡

Make Time

Feeling overwhelmed? Like you don't have enough time in the day?

The core message of the book - ‘Make Time’ by by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky is that you can find time for what truly matters by implementing daily routines - or "highlights" - that align with your goals and values.

Actionable Tips:

  • Identify 1-2 daily highlights - small, concrete actions rooted in what's important to you. Examples: 10 minutes of meditation, taking a walk with your partner, or sketching your business ideas.

  • Schedule highlights on your calendar, just like other appointments. Protect that time fiercely.

  • Experiment and iterate to find the highlights that energize and fulfill you. Over time, these tiny habits will snowball into big results.

  • Ditch the notion of worklife balance. Integration - finding activities that blend work, family, health, and passion - is the key.

Give it a shot. Start small, be consistent, and watch your days fill up with meaning. Who knows what those 10 minutes could lead to?

Meme Bytes 😂


Stay with us for your weekly dose of tech innovation, wisdom, and growth.

Until next time!