Land Your Dream Job with AI

PLUS: Microsoft Deep Dive, Unlock Peak Performance

Welcome back, curious mind!

Here’s your dose for today to become smarter in 3 minutes:

  • Land Your Dream Job with AI

  • Microsoft Stock Deep Dive

  • Adobe Firefly Now Available, ETH ETFs, Sei Launch

  • Tech Tools for Supercharging Growth & Productivity

  • Managing Energy is the Secret to High Performance

🖥️ The Actionable Tech Use Case  🖥️

Land Your Dream Job with AI

In today's ultra-competitive job market, you need every edge. That's where AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude can help, providing an advantage to land your ideal role. Used strategically, these tools can save you time and optimize key parts of the job hunt process.

A. Craft Winning Resumes:

  • Ask ChatGPT or Claude to generate optimized resume highlighting your best skills and achievements.

  • Ask the tools to review and polish it further.

  • Use the advanced writing capabilities of the tool to customize resumes and cover letters for each application.

Prompt for Resume Review: Act as a resume reviewer. I will provide you with my resume, and you provide me with feedback on it. Include feedback on the following points:

  • What sections to add for making my resume more readable.

  • How can I make my resume easier to scan.

  • What kind of impact numbers and results can I add to my resume.

  • What sort of action verbs should I choose.

B. Supercharge Your Job Search:

  • ChatGPT can suggest effective job hunting strategies tailored to you.

  • Claude can help decipher job postings and find best-fit openings to apply for.

  • Use knowledge extraction skills of these tools to research companies you're interested in.

C. Nail the Interview:

  • Practice common interview questions and answers with ChatGPT.

  • Ask Claude to help you prepare stories to showcase your skills.

  • Use Claude to research who you're meeting with to establish rapport quickly.

While AI can enhance your search, apply its input using your own judgment.

With some AI help, you can land the job you've been dreaming about.

📈 Deep Dives - Tech Stocks / Crypto Assets 📈

Microsoft Corp

Microsoft is one of the world's largest technology companies, best known for its Windows operating system and Office productivity software.

Microsoft's revenue has grown steadily in recent years, from $110 Bn in 2018 to $198 Bn in 2022. Profits have also risen healthily in the same period.

Bull Case:

  • Cloud dominance - Azure is a top-tier cloud provider behind only AWS. Cloud demand will continue growing rapidly.

  • Sticky business subscriptions - Office 365 and Dynamics 365 have loyal corporate customers.

  • Gaming potential - Xbox and acquisitions like Activision boost gaming presence.

Bear Case:

  • Intense competition - Amazon, Google, Salesforce, and others challenge Microsoft in cloud and enterprise software.

  • Video game volatility - Gaming revenue can be unpredictable based on console cycles. Activision deal faces scrutiny.

  • Economic downturn - A recession could dampen enterprise software spending and Azure consumption.

Our Take at $313: Neutral

Disclaimer: Not a financial advice. Do your own due diligence.

🌐 What’s Up With AI, Crypto, & Other Tech? 🌐

  • Want to tap into the brain of OpenAI's top scientist? Check out his lecture unpacking the wizardry behind large language models.

  • Adobe just whipped up some AI magic called Firefly and it is now publicly available globally.

  • Valkyrie recently filed for an Ethereum futures ETF. Buckle up, crypto rollercoaster!

  • A new challenger enters the crypto arena! Sei Labs rolled out its slick new Layer 1 blockchain called Sei. Move over Ethereum!

🛠️ Productivity & Growth Hack Tools 🛠️

  1. Human Generator is like a mad scientist's lab, creating customized people on demand with the latest AI. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!

  2. SayData brings the wow factor with customer-facing analytics that turn data into delightful insights.

  3. InsightIQ is your go-to AI-driven influencer marketing tool

  4. EchoHQ promises the warm fuzzies with AI that redefines customer support. Finally, customers who feel heard.

  5. Browse helps you train your own AI robot in minutes to extract and monitor data from websites. Join the revolution!

  6. Notion AI pumps your notes full of limitless AI power for unstoppable productivity.

💡 The Key Growth Insight 💡

Managing Energy, Not Time, is the Secret to High Performance

The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz reveals that managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance. By actively managing your energy – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – you can achieve a state of full engagement to reach your highest potential.

Actionable Tips to Reach Your Highest Potential:

  • Instead of cramming more activities into 24 hours, focus on actively managing your energy. Energy comes from proper nutrition, sleep, exercise and renewal.

  • Create rituals that recharge you. Take regular breaks to move, meditate, or connect with loved ones.

  • Avoid burning out. Work in intense bursts, then recovery periods. Listen to your body's signals.

  • Balance stress and recovery. Don't operate at full throttle constantly. Insert intentional rest.

  • Reduce distractions and negative influences that drain you. Protect and cultivate what fuels you.

  • Align daily choices with your values and purpose to tap into your deepest energy reserves.

Renewed vigor comes from how you use your time, not just quantity. Follow your natural rhythms. Nourish your body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Manage energy first, then conquer your days with full engagement.

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Until next time!

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