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How This App Made 2Bn in a Year

PLUS: The Zoom-Out Mindset, Run Google Gemma 2B on your phone

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Hey curious mind,

Here’s today’s dose to become smarter in 5 minutes:

  • The Growth Insight: The Zoom-Out Mindset

  • The AI Growth Tactic: Supercharge Your Phone with Google's Latest AI Model

  • Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential

  • Growth Case Study: How Monopoly Go! Made $2Bn in <1 Year

The Growth Insight 🌱

The Zoom-Out Mindset

Getting caught up in daily ups and downs can make you miss the bigger picture. If you're always zoomed in, two things happen:

  • Struggles feel way bigger than they are.

  • Progress feels smaller than it is.

Merry Christmas Reaction GIF by Blown Away

To gain perspective:

Zoom out vertically - see the bigger context.

Zoom out horizontally - look back 10 years or forward 50.

Your past self would be in awe, and your future self would give anything to be where you are now.

Zooming out in either direction provides that high-altitude view, helping you realize your struggles are manageable and your growth is impressive.

When in doubt, zoom out!

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn, creating a major growth opportunity.

How can you capitalize? Just grab your existing videos, and use OpusClip to turn them into clips and schedule them to post on LI.

The AI Growth Tactic 🖥️

Supercharge Your Phone with Google's Latest AI Model

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to run Google's cutting-edge Gemma 2B model right on your phone!

Experience privacy + offline access like never before.

For iPhone users, there's a beta app available:

Click here, and you'll see two steps. First, select step 1, "View on App Store," and download Testflight.

Head back to the website and click on step 2, "Start Testing" to install the MLC-Chat app.

Once the app is installed, tap the "Cloud" icon next to the Gemma 2B model to download it. You can also explore and download other models like Mistral 7B Instruct or Phi-2.

After a few seconds of anticipation, you'll be ready to chat with the model!

For Android users, a demo app is available:

You'll need to find and download the APK file for this demo app.

Unleash the power of cutting-edge language models right in the palm of your hand!

Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential 🛠️

🗣️ Meetingly- Summarize and extract insights from meetings

💬 NVIDIA Chat- Personalize a GPT LLM connected to your specific content

💵 Vault- Build custom payment flows in minutes and connect, process and send data

Growth Case Study 📈 

How Monopoly Go! Made $2Bn in Under a Year

The top-earning app right now isn't TikTok, Netflix, or even YouTube.

It's a game called Monopoly Go! And get this – it only launched a year ago in April 2023!

In just 7 months after its release, Monopoly Go! raked in its first billion dollars in revenue.

By the end of the next 3 months, it had already hit $2B!

So, how did this game become the highest-earning app in under a year and reach $1B faster than any other casual game? Let me break it down for you:

💰 Passing Go and Collecting $2B

  • With over 10M daily players logging in more than 3 times a day, Monopoly Go! earns a killing from ads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions.

  • It became the fastest casual game ever to hit $1B in revenue in just a few months after launching.

🕰️ Behind the 'Instant' Success

  • Monopoly Go! took over 7 years to develop by a dedicated team from Scopely.

  • They were obsessed with creating the perfect game experience, spending months perfecting every tiny detail.

  • Their drive for perfection paid off – in the first year, players completed nearly 2B games, sent 150M friend requests, and passed Go over 40B times!

🎮 Mastering Game Design

The team nailed two crucial things to get users hooked:

Building a "flow state" by perfecting the dice roll to keep players in a trance-like state.

Adding new features like building cities and battling friends to blend the classic Monopoly experience with a rich gameplay universe.

📢 Marketing Strategies

  • Scopely spent around $1M per day on ads, driving over 100M downloads in the first year.

  • Here are their top marketing tactics:

    Running a variety of ads targeting different player interests

    Localizing ads for different countries and cultures

    Leveraging social media content (influencers, user-generated videos, etc.) to create buzz

Monopoly Go! combined an addictive design with stellar marketing to scale rapidly.

Stay with us for your weekly dose of tech innovation, wisdom, and growth.

Until next time!
