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The Death of Clicks: How Marketing is Changing in 2024

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Hey curious mind,

Here’s today’s dose to become smarter in 5 minutes:

  • The Growth Insight: The Death of Clicks: How Marketing is Changing in 2024

  • What’s Up with Tech: War Games, Ethereum Stakes High

  • Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential

The Growth Insight 🌱

The Death of Clicks: How Marketing is Changing in 2024

Imagine a world where your Facebook likes, Google searches, and website visits no longer matter.

Welcome to the future of marketing – it's already here, and it's turning everything we know upside down.

The End of an Era

For the past 20 years, digital marketing has been all about tracking clicks and views. We thought we could measure everything. But those days are over. Here's why:

  1. Privacy laws are getting stricter

  2. More people use ad blockers

  3. We use multiple devices, making tracking harder

  4. Apps hide user activity

  5. People don't click as much anymore

  6. Social media hides where traffic comes from

The Proof is in the Pudding

You might be thinking, "Show me the evidence!" Well, here it is:

  • Search engines (like Google) drive 70% of website clicks

  • But people spend ~10% of their online time on search engines

  • We spend most of our time on social media, email, news sites, and shopping

This means there's a huge gap between where clicks come from and where people actually spend their time.

The Way Forward

So, what's a marketer to do? The answer is simple: Go where your audience is being influenced, not just where they're clicking.

Let's use an example: Say you want to sell rice for making risotto. You could:

  1. Try to rank #1 on Google for "best rice for risotto"

  2. OR you could:

    • Work with food bloggers

    • Partner with Italian restaurants

    • Create engaging TikTok videos

    • Sponsor cooking events

    • Get your product on store shelves

The second approach might not give you perfect data on how each tactic worked, but it's more likely to influence real people and drive sales.

Success Story: Oatly

Take Oatly, the Swedish oat milk brand that exploded in popularity in the US. They grew big by:

  1. Partnering with trendy coffee shops to get baristas using their product

  2. Creating quirky, eye-catching packaging and billboard ads

  3. Sponsoring events and music festivals

  4. Leveraging word-of-mouth through social media influencers

  5. Expanding distribution to grocery stores and online retailers

None of these tactics give sharp data on sales, but together, they worked wonders. Oatly went from being virtually unknown in the US to becoming a household name and going public with a multibillion-dollar valuation.

The Bottom Line

Marketing in 2024 is a lot like what it was in 1964. It's about getting the right message to the right people at the right time and place. Don't get stuck chasing sharp data. Instead, focus on understanding your audience and influencing them where they already are.

Remember: Just because you can't measure something perfectly doesn't mean it's not working. Sometimes, the most powerful marketing is invisible.

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What’s Up with Tech🖥️

AI Gets Funded 🤖 Former DeepMind employees' Reflection AI scores $100M from Sequoia.

War Games 💥 Oculus founder's startup Anduril raises $1.5B for AI-powered weapons.

Podcast Picks 🎧 Amazon Music to use AI for recommending top podcasts.

Quick Reads 📚 Reddit adds AI summaries to search results, following Google's lead.

Smart Textbooks 📝 South Korea introduces AI textbooks that adapt to students' abilities.

Bitcoin Goes Mainstream 💰 Morgan Stanley allows advisors to recommend Bitcoin ETFs to wealthy clients.

Ethereum Stakes High 📈 Ethereum staking hits almost 28% as liquid restaking protocols boom.

Tools to Unlock Your Peak Potential 🛠️

Spinach: 📝 Your personal AI assistant that joins your meetings, takes notes, assigns tasks, and keeps your workflow organized – boosting team productivity like a pro!

Afforai: 📚 An AI-powered sidekick that helps researchers manage, annotate, and cite papers with ease, making literature reviews a breeze.

Alva AI: 🤖 Your trusty co-pilot for daily tasks, schedule management, translation, image prompts, and AI text wizardry.

Stay with us for your weekly dose of tech innovation, wisdom, and growth.

Until next time!
